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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/new-wandisco-fusion-functionality-facilitates-hadoop-deployment/
9/8/2015 10:02:24 AM
New WANdisco Fusion Functionality Facilitates Hadoop Deployment
Hadoop,HDFS Data,Cloud
App Developer Magazine
New WANdisco Fusion Functionality Facilitates Hadoop Deployment


New WANdisco Fusion Functionality Facilitates Hadoop Deployment

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

WANdisco has released Fusion 2.6 which includes new built-in network bandwidth management and traffic prioritization to scale Hadoop at lower marginal costs. The release is available to available to customers who utilize WANdisco Fusion Enterprise Edition for Hadoop.

WANdisco Fusion is a solution for a dynamic and flexible Hadoop deployment. It uses active-active replication to make a subset of HDFS data available consistently on multiple clusters, even if those clusters don’t use the same Hadoop distribution or storage system. Data silos transform into a global data repository. Standing up new clusters on-premise or in the cloud give burst expansion capacity as well as instant data protection.

WANdisco Fusion 2.6 introduces:

- Network traffic shaping capabilities, giving administrators greater control over the amount of bandwidth used for replication by each data center

- The power to prioritize network traffic on the basis of source and target data centers

- The ability to assign higher priority to specific files and directories during replication between data centers

These new capabilities combine with WANdisco Fusion’s active-active replication technology, which delivers always-on availability, performance and scalability across Hadoop clusters any distance apart, enabling stringent SLAs to be met. At the same time, the functionality eliminates the need for “bump-in-the-wire” network optimization hardware and software.

With WANdisco Fusion’s active-active architecture, all servers and clusters are fully readable and writeable, always in sync and recover automatically from each other after planned or unplanned downtime. There are no passive read-only backup servers and clusters that are only utilized when the primary active cluster goes offline.

Read more: http://www.wandisco.com/hadoop/wd-fusion

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